Education & Training

Famac International Ltd has invested in Private College & Training Colleges and Companies based in the United Kingdom.

The colleges are fully accredited and registered with the UK Border Agency. The focus of the Colleges is on the multi-billion dollar International Student Market. The Education & Training Investments are an example of the company’s forward thinking and long term strategic vision. Plans are in place to extend the current centers in the United Kingdom with Centre’s in MENA and South Asia Region.

Working in Partnership with leading Awarding Bodies and Universities the Centers add a new dimension to the provision of Further and Higher Education for the discerning Student.

We specialize in Oil and Gas Training. Working with leading Colleges and Private Centers we can provide Oil and Gas Training Services in a wide range of Areas of Operation from Drilling to Work Over, Down Hole Technology to Pipeline and Integrity Management.

Our Courses are delivered by experts in the field at state of the start centers. Alternatively Companies can book our trainers to deliver the training at their own Sites or Offices anywhere in the world.